brooke glenn


My journey through art has always been an insighful one. I'm constantly learning about myself and art is my way of figuring myself out. I don't know where I would be without it. Ever since I was a child, I would draw in my sketchbook whenever I felt the desire to. Piles of my sketchbooks were filled with random doodles, cartoons, or designs that came in my mind. I always knew that art would be a constant in my life and beyond a simple hobby.

Drawing eventually led to photography. I took a photo class in high school and instantly fell in love with the craft. It was an incredible feeling being able to create art with a camera. The process forced me to think more than usual. Digital photography was beyond pressing a button to snap a photo. It required planning from start to finish of the true concept that you wanted to create. The best part for me would have to be the editing side of photography. I would spend hours on end on Photoshop editing photos. I would teach myself how to use various tools and create weird illusions. It tested my ability to think outside the box. Photography stuck with me and will continue to stick with me.

Digital art and design is something that I also picked up on. I spent quite a bit of time on Illustrator creating vectorized portraits from photographs. It was originally different for me to draw on a computer, instead of a sketchbook, but overtime I was able to enjoy every moment of it. I also started experimenting with creating layouts in InDesign. The process of using graphics, color, and typography challenged me to further think outside the box. Recently, I have been diving into web design. The relationship between code and design intrigued me. The concept that code can translate into beautiful, conceptual web layouts is mind blowing.

I am striving to learn and grow as an artist everyday. Each day will challenge me more than the last. This is my journey.


Towson University-May 2018

Bachelor of Science in Art and Design with a Photography concentration